Sustainable development and libraries: Global goals, collective action
Join global public library leaders to discuss the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This interactive session will cover how public libraries use these goals to develop actionable strategies to support community change. All libraries types are encouraged to attend. This discussion will be hosted by the following OCLC Global Council library leaders:
- Sarah Campbell, Executive Director, Portland Public Library, Portland, Maine, United States
- Beate Meinck, Head of the Reutlingen City Library, Library of Reutlingen, Germany
- Lynette Schurdevin, Library Director, Rio Rancho Public Library, New Mexico, United States
- Eric Suess, Director, Marshall Public Library, Pocatello, Idaho, United States
Moderated by Pilar Martinez, Chief Executive Officer, Edmonton Public Library, Alberta, Canada
This webinar is designed with public libraries in mind and is the fourth in a series of yearlong discussions being hosted by the OCLC Global Council to create awareness and dialogue among library leaders on the SDGs around the globe.