Statement of Candidacy for EBLIDA EC

Skrevet af

4. maj, 2015

Citizens access to knowledge and their opportunity for participation in democracy is under pressure in an increasingly digital society.
The legal framework of copyright limitations and exceptions need to be updated for libraries to give citizens digital services matching the print based services.
The president of the Danish Library Association therefore runs to become a member of the EBLIDA Exectutice Committee, hoping to take part in EBLIDAs ongoing work to affect EU and European copyright laws.

Statement of Candidacy
Mr. Steen Bording Andersen (Denmark)
For EBLIDA Executive Committee 2015-2018

For me, the main reason to run for the EBLIDA Executive Committee is the need to work for citizens access to knowledge and information, whether it is physical or digital. I am a Danish politician and member of Aarhus City Council.

Being the chairman of Aarhus’ Committee for Cultural Affairs it is very important to me that we have a European organization lobbying and fighting for citizens' access to libraries. I strongly believe that libraries can change lives and empower people.

I will work for:

  1. Access to knowledge, culture and information in digital formats via the libraries matching the access to printed and physical materials
  2. New e-models and business solutions – inspired by Danish experiences – developed in a stronger dialogue with European politicians and right-holders
  3. Libraries promoting awareness of digital democracy challenges such as mass surveillance
  4. Develop libraries role in order to empower people to take part in the democratic society
  5. As president of the Danish Library Association I believe strongly in public libraries as transformational institutions and as places open for all. A place you go to not because you have to, but because you want to. Places of information, inspiration, new learning, insight and understanding. Places stimulating citizenship
Curriculum Vitae
2014 – President of the Danish Library Association
2014 – Chairman of Culture Committee Aarhus City Council
2010-2014 Vice-chairman of Culture Committee, Aarhus City
2010 – President of the Danish Library Association Region Midtjylland
2005 – Elected member of Aarhus City Council and member of the Culture Committee, as rapporteur concerning libraries and citizens service

Steen Bording Andersen
President, The Danish Library Association
Phone +45 3057 9985

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