Registration received

Dear %value[first_name] %value[family_name]
We have received your registration for the 20th EBLIDA – NAPLE conference in Copenhagen, May 2012

Please note, that the registration fees is based on the date of the receipt of the registration:

Fee Until March 15, 2012 After March 15, 2012
Council, May 10th 0 0
Reception May 10th 0 0
Conference May 11th 85 EUR 95 EUR
Conference Dinner May 11th 40 EUR 40 EUR
Saturday Tour May 12th 40 EUR 40 EUR

The registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment in full.
Please contact with questions regarding registration.

Please transfer the full payment to the bank account.
Kindly note: participants will pay for all related bank transaction fees.
Registration will not be considered accepted if this is not the case.

Account holder
Danish Library Association
Account no.
2226  5036 395 364
Name of bank
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S
Address of bank
Hovedvejen 112
2600 Glostrup, Denmark
DK18 2000 5036 3953 64


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