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Libraries often play a central and important role when it comes to war and conflict in the world today. They can ensure access to trustworthy information, as the truth is often the first casualty of war.
With the outbreak of war in The Ukraine that trust is again threatened by fake news. Therefore The Ukrainian Library Association along with other library associations call on us to take part in the fight for truth and against the Russian invasion.
The Danish libraries support the joint European Declaration. The Russian Federation’s barbaric attack on The Ukraine is in direct opposition to the guiding principles of sustainability, democracy and the rule of law.
In answer to the appeal initiated by the Ukrainian Library Association, the Danish Library Association, The Danish Union of Cultural and Information Academics and the Association of Danish Public Library Managers along with our European partners EBLIDA, NAPLE and Public Libraries 2030 call upon all European libraries to mobilize for truthful and trustworthy information. And to use our resources and position in society as a weapon to support democracy and freedom of speech during this conflict.
Libraries are also encouraged to support potential refugees from The Ukraine in cooperation with state and non-governmental organizations.
We must be ready to find solutions and offer our Ukrainian friends the necessary help during this situation.